In our commentary from the Board Meeting we referred to the Code of Conduct that was introduced, read and adopted by our Board. At the meeting I didn't have much reaction beyond the fact that it seemed rather silly and only necessary if the Chair found himself chronically unable to run a meeting.
The key take-home though is that we should wonder if this is really the best use of our Board's time. At the Board meeting there were continuing resident concerns about speeding in our community, I would have though that the time might be better spent there. However, back to the Code:
Although it didn't strike me at the meeting, afterwards, the more I thought about it, the less I liked the Code. I have inserted a scan of the Code as it was distributed at the meeting and how it also, presumably, was written and thus reflects the views of its author. I encourage you to click on the images so you can see the red bold type that I have concluded betrays a lot of the author's motivation, whosoever he might be, as I didn't see anyone claiming pride of ownership.
I eventually concluded that the code is a perfect example of mental masturbation in that this intellectual exercise serves no practical purpose. As I said before, if the author was able run a meeting he wouldn't need the Code. I might also add, and will be asking, where the Board thinks it is given the authority to levy fines or assess charges for bad behavior as I don't recall seeing that in our Bye Laws. We can also conclude that the author has an over-active imagination as I am somewhat at a loss to imagine what uniformed legions are going to swoop in to rescue the Board from an angry resident -- the Safeguard patrol? And if the police are ever called to one of our meetings I really, really want to be present. (A cynic might suggest that as Scottsdale PD is disinterested in enforcing our speed limits it is unknown how interested they will be in enforcing our meeting rules).
I am sorry to have to say this -- because at the end of the day we all want orderly and constructive meetings -- but I also have to say that this Code says more about the three gentlemen who voted for it than you ever wanted to know. It is also not lost on me that, given current events, that our Board seems intent on subscribing to the Muammar Gaddafi method of dealing with dissenters. Odd how external poltics continue to be reflected in the doings of our HOA governance.
In light of the fact that our Board eschews action on other issues as they are only three, one has to wonder where the time and effort came from for them to work on this issue.
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